Galentine’s Day




Shopping list

Conversation topics & toast ideas

A core belief here at Lillie Gathers is that the most instagrammable, well-decorated party is empty without meaningful conversation. The job of the host is to curate an entire experience. We love Priya Parker’s concept of “15 Toasts” and try to do a version of it at every gathering we throw. The basic concept is that by the end of the night, each guest has to give a toast to a theme set by the host.

The obvious theme for a Galentine’s Day gathering: Friendship…

  • How has your idea of friendship evolved over the last few years?

  • Share a story about a time a friend has shown up for you an in an unexpected way.

  • What is your best lifetime memory of friendship?

  • What advice would you give to your teenage self about friendship?

  • Who was your first beloved friend?

The “Bring 3 activity”

Each woman picks her favorite item under $10 and brings 3 of it — say, a lip balm or a pair of house slippers. Take turns presenting to the group why you picked it, then draw names. Whoever’s name is drawn gets to choose 3 other items to take home with them.


St. Pat’s Party In A Box


Disco New Year’s Eve